Robotic Surgery in Mumbai has been developed around the rearmost technological advancements that deliver both surgeons and patients to get constructive outcomes by operating even the most complex surgeries with ease. With the advancement in surgical procedures, robotically assisted surgeries come with the most advancement by providing less scarring & infections, and more precision and navigation of its instruments making the difficult surgeries have a good outcome. Robotic Surgery In Mumbai is at the forefront of this revolutionary approach, offering advanced surgical solutions for optimal patient care.
Select your surgeon carefully and ensure that your surgeon has been trained and accredited with the right qualification before making this choice. Dr Muffazal Lakdawala is the first bariatric surgeon in India to adopt the most advanced IV Gen Xi Robotic System. For which he has undergone robotic training from “Advent Health Celebration (Orlando, Florida)”. Currently, Dr Muffi offers robotic surgery for GI and Bariatric procedures at Sir HN Hospital Mumbai to his patients
Your doctor may share a post-surgery checklist,but no two people are alike.Be sure to tell your doctor about
your situation-your work and family demands,exercise habits,
CareWhat kind of care will I need when I get home?Will I need someone to stay with full time?Will my care provider need to able to lift me from a chair or bed? |
DietWill I have any food or drink restrictions and for how long?Are there foods you recommended? |
Getting back to normalHow long before I can return to work or resume my usual activities? |
PainHow long does post-surgery pain typically last? What do I need to know about pain management medications? |
ActivityWhat activity restrictions do I need to be aware of, i.e, sitting in a chair,lifting,having sex,climbing stairs? |
ExerciseHow long before i can start exercising again? |
a.It usually takes 1 week to get back to any desk job. It depends on what type of surgery one has undergone.
b.The time that you take off from work depends on what type of work you do. After the laparoscopic/Robotic approach, you can go back to a desk job sometimes in as little as one week. Most people take about two weeks off from work.